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A completed reservation and the accommodation agreement made with Shefah Hotels ("Hotel") and the individual booking and completing a reservation ("Guest"), together defined as the Parties ("Parties") will be subject to these Terms and Conditions (the "Terms") set out below. 


When the Guest has made a reservation, whether online or by telephone, and/or the Guest has checked in to a room, the Guest will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted these Terms and Conditions and any relevant terms and conditions shall be deemed to be incorporated into the reservation, check-in and the accommodation agreement with the Hotel. 


All information regarding rooms, facilities, products and services offered at the Hotels contained on the Hotel website has been provided to the Hotel by a Shefah Hotel. Shefah Hotels does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, of any kind with respect thereto.  Such information may be inaccurate as a result of renovation or repair at the Hotel.  The Shefah Hotels website may also contain typographical errors or omissions.  Shefah Hotels shall not be liable to you for:


(i) the accuracy or completeness of any Shefah Hotel information provided through reservations including, without limitation, the availability or price of rooms, facilities, products or services, or for any other errors or omissions of Shefah Hotels; or


(ii) any failure or delay beyond its control in the transmission of any data submitted to or through reservations including, but not limited to, the details of your reservation or changes to or cancellation of your reservation, in each case to the fullest extend permitted under applicable law.


The Hotel will charge the Guest the price specified in the reservation for the occupancy requested.  The range of rates available to guests of the Hotel are posted on the Hotel's website and generally accessible, including seasonal and extended stay rates.


Upon check-in, Guest is required to present identification with a photograph confirming the Guest's identity, as well as a credit card in the Guest's name.  Preauthorization for payment by credit or debit card is required in advance of check-in for the estimated charges for the number of nights requested.  The Hotel reserves the right to refuse entry to the Guest until such pre-payment is received.


All guest rooms will require a deposit between $20-$100 depending on which guest room the Guest is checking into.  The Guest is responsible for signing in and out all visitors of the Guest at the Hotel during the visiting hours of 9:00am to 9:00pm.  The visitor is allowed to visit the Guest for up to 3 hours free of charge.  Any time the visitor is visiting the Guest longer than 3 hours, the Guest will be charged for the current fee for either a full day visitor or an extra bed for an adult.  Under no circumstance shall any visitor stay in place of the paying Guest. 


Check-in time is 3:00pm and check-out time is 11:00am.  If the Guest did not provide for a specific check-out date, the room night will be indicated as a single-night stay.  The Guest must request an extended stay either by a reservation or by talking with Reception to extend their check-out date.  Should the Guest's belongings remain in the guest room after 11:00am, the Guest will be charged for an additional room night at the prevailing price for that room type for that day.  Rooms may be reserved by the night or weekly.  For weekly guests, the Guest must provide at least a one week notice prior to the Guest's check-out date.  Additionally, if any property of the Hotel is missing upon check-out, Guest will be charged the replacement cost for that item. Failure to pay amounts due for the use of the room shall incur a late penalty of at least $50 per day that payment is late. Further, Hotel may refuse service to a Guest that is late or behind on payment of any fees or costs, and further may remove a Guest from the premises for trespassing in the event of non-payment, subject to the Limited License below.


Parking passes are available to guests upon request and subject to availability on a first come first served basis.


In the event a Guest loses a key, the Guest shall be charged a replacement fee of at least $20.



Subject to these Terms, the Guest may occupy the reserved room and use the common areas as a limited licensee only, and no relationship of landlord and tenant shall be created by the Guest's use of the room and common areas, unless as otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Guest and the Hotel.  The Hotel retains control, possession, and management of the room and common areas, and the Guest agrees to not have exclusive possession of any room.  The Hotel may, in its sole and absolute discretion, move the Guest and/or allow Hotel employees to access the room for service, repair, maintenance, cleaning, wellness checks, safety checks, or for other reasons as determined by the Hotel.  The Guest may not loiter in the common areas or become a nuisance to other guests in the common areas. Guests that choose to use the common bathroom areas should conduct themselves in a reasonable manner and maintain appropriate clothing in the common areas. If the Guest is a Weekly Guest, the cleaning crew will clean the room at least once per week on a specified day as indicated by each floor of the Hotel.


Guests staying at the hotel must be 18 years of age or older.  The Guest may have a child visitor during visiting hours and are responsible for the child during that time.  Pets are not allowed at the Hotel, unless a licensed service animal is required by the Guest.


During the Guest's stay at the Hotel, the Guest and any visitors accompanying the Guest are expected to abide by the following:


  • No excessive or loud noise

  • Respect the quiet hours of 9:00pm through 6:00am

  • Do not damage or remove any Hotel property

  • Maintain the room in an orderly and clean fashion

  • Do not use any electrical appliances, other than those supplied by the Hotel

  • No smoking, vaping, E-cigarettes or tobacco products anywhere on the Hotel premises

  • No burning of anything such as candles, incense, hotplates or any other flammable products

  • No parking of any vehicle by or wherever the vehicle may cause obstruction for the Hotel

  • Respecting the privacy and property of other guests so that they may enjoy their stay

  • No illegal substances or hazardous materials allowed on the property

  • No pets or bicycles permitted on the property except as provided herein


Refusal to abide by any of these requirements may result in the removal of the Guest and/or the Hotel may call the authorities.


The Hotel provides short term occupancy for Guests that does not exceed 89 consecutive days.  Any Guest that wishes to stay longer than 89 days must execute a separate tenancy agreement with the Hotel.  The Hotel reserves the right to demand payment of amounts accruing to a Guest's account at any time and to preclude the Guest from continuing to occupy the Hotel should payment not be received, or these terms not followed by the Guest.



Guests are advised to be adequately insured, to be vigilant, and to take reasonable care over their property.  The Hotel is not responsible for a guest's loss of valuables unless the guest provides said valuables, and the Hotel accepts said valuables, into the Hotel's safe or safety deposit boxes.  If a Guest delivers to the Hotel, and the Hotel accepts valuables, in no event shall the Hotel be liable in excess of $5,000 for loss, destruction, damage, or theft of said valuables, unless as otherwise agreed by the Guest and Hotel in writing before such loss. 


In no event shall the Hotel be liable for any lost profit, revenue, business opportunity, goodwill, corruption of data, identity theft, or direct or indirect damage from such. 


The Guest shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Hotel from any and all claims, causes of actions, demands, lawsuits, damages, costs, etc. awarded against or incurred or paid by the Hotel as a result of or in connection with: (i) the Guest's breach of the Terms; (ii) any infringement of any intellectual property rights by the Guest relating to the Hotel; or (iii) any damage caused to the Hotel premises, contents or individuals, whether or not owned or employed by the Hotel, which are caused directly or indirectly by the Guest. Further, the Hotel may charge additional fees and costs to the Guest in the event the room is determined to require additional cleaning above what is customary, or to remove smells, smoke stains, or for any other purpose as deemed necessary by the Hotel in its sole and absolute discretion.


These Terms and Conditions, any agreements, and any licenses granted within shall end on the earlier of: (i) the date and time upon which the Guest is scheduled to check out; (ii) the date and time upon which the Guest actually checks out; or (iii) the Guest violating any terms set forth in these Terms and Conditions.




  • Shefah Hotels is committed to protecting your privacy. By agreeing to receive SMS/MMS communications from us, you acknowledge that your personal information, including your mobile phone number, will only be used for the purpose of communicating important updates and information related to your stay. We assure you that your personal information will not be shared or sold to third parties for marketing purposes.


   In the event of emergencies, Guests should call (201) 330-1269 or email

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315 29th St. & 3307 Palisade Ave.

Union City, NJ 07087

Tel: (201) 330-1269

© 2023 by Shefah Corp.

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